Monday, November 16, 2009


So, my best friend Micah's little daughter Millie is in love with Darth Vader. I'm not kidding, she wants to marry him. The fact that she is 4 isn't an issue. The kid just loves her a sith!
Being one of the best dad's ever, Micah made this pumpkin for her this Halloween!


The Challenge: Create an image that shows music, but does not include any instruments, or cd's.
This image features Mary Snow Wyga, Bellydancer extrordinare!


The challenge: take a photograph that get's across the color red, without including it in the image

Self Portrait

Because you are what you read!

More Photo Restorations

This is the before image of my grandmother's family

Here is the after image, recolored and restored

Here is an image of my grandfather, it was the image taken of him when the government put him and my family into the internment camps. If you look carefully on the left side of his face, you can see the indent in the photo from the RCMP's stamp. The rips on the right side of his forehead was from where they stapled it onto his file. I find it really chilling that such a beautiful portrait was taken of him. Who took this? What Vancouver photographer did they pay to photograph all their Japanese prisoners.

Here is the after